Your Tradmark Hub in Asia

Tradmark search, Acquiring and maintaining rights in Japan, Mediation services for Acquiring and maintaining rights outside Japan, Evalution services, etc. Toyosaki & Associates will support all your tradmark needs.


February (如月Kisaragi) 2016

We call this month as “Kisaragi.” This word originated from “This month is so cold that people wears several layers of clothing.” Since this is the coldest month in Japan, we desire coming of spring.

When spring comes, revised trademark law will be effective. We assume that most interesting point of revision for you may be reduction of official fee of registration, and renewal fee. The JPO announced that they are going to reduce 20% to 25% from the current fee. New revised law will be adapted all the cases having the deadline of payment of registration fee (or renewal fee) is after April 1st 2016.

It might be good spring news for you.

Reiko Toyosaki